Report on earthquake in North Delhi

 It was Saturday, April 25. At exactly 11:56 a.m., a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook North Delhi for 50 seconds. In that short span of time, houses collapsed. People were injured. Some were trapped under rubble and died. Hospitals were filled with rescued or injured persons and dead bodies.

In the last 3 year's this is a 5th earthquake on North Delhi. And effected on the high range area.

I was at Shivapuri National Park when the jolt was at its peak. Soon after, I started reporting, and it was not an easy assignment. People had challenges in finding transportation, lodging, electricity, Internet and a workstation. Life was extremely uncertain, because we weren’t sure if the earthquake was over or more aftershocks would follow. 

With no electricity and no good Internet for a couple of days, some people got stuck under building trash, people's are tried to find there relatives,  friends and family members and it was also a rescue for the rescue team. Continue worked on 42hours by rescue they had  completely find the people's and the bad thing is there are 6 dead bodies are found and on that 2 are children bodies.  Many people got injured. For some people to life back on track take 4-5 month and a year. And some also trying..


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