How can use KERNAL (CLI ) Commands Line Interface in Windows ?

What is KERNAL ?

KERNAL is a type of OS and  version's are Unix, KALI Linux, Ubuntu, that also called  CLI (Command Line Interface) that operate by write simple command . Mostly it's used by Hackers and programmers.  They are more secured compare to windows.

How can use KERNAL in Windows ?

In the windows there is an option that give the permission to use CLI in the windows. Basically it's possible by WSL (Windows sub-system Linux) option.  We know the step by step how to activate that WSL option and how can download the Ubuntu in windows.

Steps for download Ubuntu in windows : 

Step 1 :

 Open setting in your system. And select Apps option.

Step 2 :

 Select Program and Features option.


Step 3 :

Select windows features on or off. 


Step 4 :

Go little down and check option Windows Subsystem for Linux and click Ok.

Step 5 :

After click Ok it take your time that depend on your system and complete that process restart your computer.

How can download Ubuntu ?

Step 1 :

Open Microsoft store on your system.

Step 2 :

Search Ubuntu in search pane and hit enter.

Step 3 : 

In our case we go to download ubuntu. And click on it and start download. In my system it already installed show it showing LAUNCH option.

Did you know : 

Ninety percent of text messages are read within three minutes of being delivered.

   For read old blogs :

>> In the next blog we know how to setup ubuntu and basic commands.


Thank you for visit. 😊   


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